Birdfair 2017 – Inspiring Others
I have just returned from a couple of wonderful days at this years British Birdwatching Fair in Rutland. It was my first time there as an speaker after many years going as a visitor and an exhibitor back in 2010. I was invited there by the fair itself to do my talk “Conservation with a Camera” The talk covered how I use my camera too help wildlife here in the UK and around the world. My talk went down really well I thought with lots of interest and questions from the audience afterwards.
With record numbers once more through the doors over the three days this event keeps getting better and better. I met many nice people and made so many good contacts over those days. I also spent time with my good friend, Harsh Vardhan from India. The last time I saw him was in India in April, so it was great seeing him again.
Great to see the Birders Against Wildlife Crime stand packed full of people wanting to know more about the wonderful work they are doing. Also nice too see all the team doing an amazing job in letting the public know what is happening to our Hen Harriers and wildlife that share the shame habitat. Please check out the wonderful work they are doing on this link.
I met many people that I’m hoping to help with my conservation side of my work because I want to do more to help wildlife because I’m sick of the killing if I’m honest. So more news on this as the plans come together. A big thank you to all those that came to see me and my talk and to everyone else I met.
This was my stand (above) at the Birdfair in 2010 above, I hadn’t really returned to the Birdfair with a stand or to do a talk since so it was good to be back. I had turned professional at the start of that same year full of ideas and uncertainty. A lot has happened since then in the last seven years. I’ve made many personal sacrifices, but from nothing I’m still going strong today. Helping and inspiring people to care for and love the natural world I hope.
I’m extremely proud of what I do and deeply touched by the support from many people and clients that rebook my tips and have become friends. I’ve met many wonderful people from all over the world doing an amazing job to save the wildlife they have. Thank you all for your help and kindness you’ve shown me in your own countries.
It’s very important for me as a person and a wildlife photographer to not just take “nice” images but to also photograph the not so nice things I see and that happen to wildlife. Bringing together a deep empathy and love of the natural world alongside my camera skills. I have been able to help many animals, helping to bring their plights to many members of the public that otherwise wouldn’t know of what I have been privileged to see good or bad.
Putting together conservation and photography can be very powerful, combining these two elements they can have a profound impact that can move people to such a degree that change can and does happen. Switching from my heart to my head I’m able to capture the true essence of the things I have and do witness. This wasn’t planned, it wasn’t taught, it comes from that true and powerful love for animals I had from a small child. I’ve always loved nature from a small boy and it’s helped me all my life in many different ways. I now try and help nature the best way I can.
It embraces my own wonderful lessons about life and nature my late mother taught me. The power of caring for nature I learnt a long time ago, the power of photography I learnt in later life. I now place these two together and fight for all wildlife in the best and only way I know how and that’s through my work. Highlighting their plight, it educates people and brings a positive change to people’s thoughts and practices.
I try and show not only the beauty of the natural world but also the suffering within that world and my hope within my own contribution to conservation is to give all those animals a true and meaningful voice around the world. Even though I have to walk away from them I want my images to be a visual remember that they were never forgotten, and their plight wasn’t ignored.
Thank you to Sarah from the Birdfair for inviting me to do my talk, I hope to be back there in the future. I’d also like to thank all those that turned up and that have contacted me since wanting to know more on the subjects I spoke about. On the following link you will see some of my conservation work. If you’d would like to book me for a talk at your camera club, corporate or conservation event anywhere in the world please see this link. If you’d like me to help or cover a project or cause for your organisation, charity or NGO then please get in touch via email, many thanks.
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