Spring is Coming

Filed in Articles on Mar.20, 2020

With a slight change in the weather now, and brighter mornings and lighter evenings, it would seem spring is on its way after a long period of storms and wet weather. Warm sunshine lifts the spirits and brings the countryside to life. Spring for me is the best time of year, full of life, action and behaviour within our countryside.

Craig Jones Wildlife PhotographyA beautiful male Bullfinch watching me above in the early dawn light. The mornings are awash with bird song at the moment, all competing to be the most musical, filling the air as each bird stakes their claim on a certain patch of ground. One of the loudest is from one of the UK’s most smallest birds, the Wren.

Dippers, one of my all time favorite birds are very active at the moment also in the Peak District National Park. They have two broods per year and are now busy starting their first.

A stunning male Blue Tit, guarding his territory, Great-crested Grebes are starting to pair up, this one is cleaning having returned to its previous nesting site.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

A small number of Puffins have also started to return to shore, these seabirds are one of my favorite with their beautiful markings and comical personalities.

I also looking forward to our spring/summer migrant birds arriving and none more so than the stunning Pied Flycatchers and Redstarts, all the way from North-Africa.

So wherever you are within the UK it really is wonderful time to be out with your camera over the coming weeks and months.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

I run a number of one to ones and one day workshops throughout spring and summer, so to see all of these please click on the following link, many thanks.


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