Entries in the ‘Places Of Interest’

Magical Mull

Filed in Places Of Interest, Workshops on Jul.01, 2022

The Isle of Mull lies on the west coast of Scotland and it has a breathtaking landscapes with a coastline of 300 miles. From the moment you step onto this beautiful island the wildlife is everywhere and the scenery is just stunning.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

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Nature is Amazing

Filed in Articles, Places Of Interest on Nov.20, 2020

The Norfolk Spring Tides are the biggest and best tides for witnessing the thousands of birds feeding on the mudflats, being pushed closer to shore. During this event most if not all of the estuary is consumed by the sea and submerged underwater.

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Dippers of the Dales

Filed in Places Of Interest, Workshops on Jun.26, 2020

My love of the Dipper started as a small boy, I’d catch two buses from my home with my bag packed with cold toast and a flask to get to Lathkill Dale, in the Peak District. Once I got there I’d sit and watch these incredible birds play out their lives before me.

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