Conservation With A Camera

Filed in Charities, Events on Feb.28, 2021

Using my camera I try and show not only the beauty of the natural world but also the suffering within that world. My hope is to give all those species a true and meaningful voice around the world with my photographs.

Craig Jones Wildlife PhotographyEven though I have to walk away from them I want my images to be a visual remember that they were never forgotten, and their plight wasn’t ignored.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography Sumatra

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography Sumatra

Putting together conservation and photography can be very powerful. Combining these two elements they can have a profound impact that can move people to such a degree that change can and does happen.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography Sumatra

To read more about this and see some of my conservation work then please click here.

#ethicsbeforeimages #wildlifephotography #wildlife #ethicsmatter #conservationphotography

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