Water Vole Appeal

Filed in Charities, Conservation on Sep.08, 2021

Water voles are in trouble, they are our fastest declining mammal. In the 1980’s and 90’s they suffered a catastrophic 90% drop in their population, largely due to the spread of American mink, which were introduced into our countryside through illegal releases or escapes from fur farms.

To make things worse, a steady loss of wetlands and freshwater areas is forcing water voles to live in less than ideal habitats where they’re more exposed to mink and at risk of local extinction.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

By donating to the People’s Trust for Endangered Species water vole appeal you are supporting the National Water Vole Monitoring Programme, providing vital evidence to support a conservation action plan for water voles.

PTES are helping Natural England create a strategic action plan, ready to pilot next year. So if you can help then click here for more information many thanks.

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