Winter Warmers – OneKind

Filed in Charities, Events on Nov.27, 2020

Onekind are delighted to invite you to OneKind’s Winter Warmers throughout December. They have lots of activities for you to enjoy over the festive period, including a range of great talks, classes, fun and games for all the family to get involved with.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography OneKind

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography OneKind
It’s all designed to help you get into the Christmas spirit, while trying to keep the donations coming in that will strengthen their campaigns and help them achieve even more for Scotland’s animals in the future.

They have a number of really excellent events that you can see by clicking here, or by visiting their Facebook page for this event here. Below are just a few of the clever and ingenuous things they have happening.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography OneKind

Winter Warmers Advent Calendar:

Each day they’ll be sharing facts and stories relating to animal sentience across their social media pages. The calendar will run from the 1st – 24th December.

Winter Warmers Christmas Market:

Featuring a range of beautiful cruelty-free and vegan products, inviting you to browse their market and bring some festive fun to your day here.

Festive Bake-off :

Enter their festive, animal-friendly bake-off by sending a pic of your masterpiece and a description of what’s in it and they’re award the Baker of the Year prize to the winner.

Winter Warmers Raffle:

 Find out more about our raffle here

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography OneKind

I’m pleased to announce that on December 10th @7.00pm I will be doing a talk for OneKind;

Key Elements and Fieldcraft – The talk will go through how I work, ethics, respecting wildlife, how I take my images, using  fieldcraft and other elements in order to get my images of wildlife. It will be all broken down during the presentation into very easy to follow steps.

At the end you will be treated to a slideshow of images accompanied by some beautiful music.

The presentation is designed to inspire you by showing some of the incredible wildlife we have here in the UK. The talk is also open to anyone who isn’t a photographer, everyone is welcome.

So I hope you can join me for this event in aid of OneKind. Click on their winter warmers page to see more information on this. many thanks.

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