Conservation with a Camera
I’ve just returned from Wex Photo Video London HQ, I’d been invited there to give my “Conservation with a Camera”talk. From the moment I first picked up a camera I’ve always wanted to show the beauty of nature and also the not so beautiful things we as humans do to nature and are responsible for. By using my own life experiences, skills and my background I show how my camera speaks for those that cannot speak for themselves.
From the issues wildlife face here in the UK to those species hanging onto life in far away countries that are suffering due to human conflict, poaching, deforestation, palm oil, the illegal pet trade and much more I showed what we are doing to those creatures entrusted into our care and the planet we live on during my moving talk.
The word conservation means many things to many different people, for me it means simply to care, to love and to protect wildlife. It doesn’t really need a title because put plainly if you care about animals then you want to help them and care for them. It’s something inside you that comes to the surface once you see an animal in pain or distress or you witness something you want to try and change and help with.
Putting together conservation and photography can be very powerful, combining these two elements they can have a profound impact that can move people to such a degree that change can and does happen. This was my message to those that attended while inspiring them to understand we can all do something to help those creatures we live alongside. I’ve had some lovely feedback sent to me already from some that attended my two talks I did over the day in London –
“Great afternoon listening to Craig and seeing some of his photography. Craig holds very high standards of ethics in his conservation photography, his passion for Orangutans and Tigers are evident in every shot. Wishing Craig well earn’nt success with upcoming important projects & thank you.” – Paula Siggins
“An afternoon well spent at your seminar Craig, your images truly capture the plight of venerable creatures and their habitats. Your images are amazing and your devotion to wildlife and its environment is clear to see. Thank you for a very informative afternoon.” – Mark R Reeve
“Great informative talk from Craig Jones this afternoon, Thanks.” – Jackie Downey
If you would like to book me for a talk at your camera club, corporate or conservation event anywhere in the world, simply get in touch on this link to discuss your requirements. The link also shows the talks I give and where I’ve had the privilege of speaking in the past.
You can see some examples of my conservation work on my conservation page on my website here. I’d like to thank Wex Photo Video for inviting me to London to do this talk. I thoroughly enjoyed both presentations I did to those that came along. I hope I inspired everyone to understand we can all do something to help our planet and the wildlife we share it with, many thanks.
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