Safe Travels
Over the last few weeks I’ve been photographing a family of Pied Flycatchers and Redstarts. Both species arrive in April from Africa to raise their young here before the long joinery back to Africa.
I’ve been very lucky once more this year to have shared many beautiful moments with these birds over the last several weeks since their arrival. Those that follow my blog will have read the previous posts covering the first encounters I’ve had during lockdown.
Each year I try to spend time with these favourite Summer migrants of mine, this year was no exception. The male Redstart has striking colours, with the female being more browner. Both birds though have that “red tail” these birds are famous for.
Next is the Pied Flycatchers, and the woodland habitat they live in. The male is black and white, the female has the same basic patterning, but is browner in colour. Both birds are stunning.
When the female landed with food for the chick and the male was around. She would often vibrate his wings like this, in a form of communication with him. Absolutely amazing behaviour to witness.
The image below was pure luck, it shows a fly flying over the head of the Male Pied Flycatcher. As their name suggests they eat flies so it’s the last place you’d expect to see one.
I hope all this year’s bird’s that fledged along with their parents have a safe journey back to Africa. I find it incredibly they travel all that distance, there and back to raise their young in this woodland in United Kingdom.
Woody Meristem said:
Beautiful birds and photographs to match. Well done sir!
craig said:
Thank you Woody
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