Entries Tagged ‘Finnish Wolves’:

European Commissioner : Thank You

Filed in Events, In the Press on Jul.24, 2018

Mr Karmenu Vella, the European Commissioner for the Environment recently met members of Luonto-Liiton susiryhmä Humane Society International and Eurogroup for Animals organisations I help and support with my photography. The Commissioner has said he is committed to protecting large carnivores; Wolves, Brown Bears, Wolverine, Lynx in Europe and to keep their protection status in all Member States.

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Finland-A True Wilderness

Filed in Places Of Interest, Workshops on Jul.24, 2017

Finland is one of Europe’s last places of true wilderness, its also the most forested country in Europe with around 70% of the land being covered with trees. Most forests are coniferous and reach so far north that they lay on the same latitudes as Alaska or Central Siberia. Finland is also known as the “Land of a Thousand Lakes”. Most of these lakes are small and shallow but cover vast areas of this amazing country.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

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