Entries Tagged ‘Photography Talks’:

Inspiring Others

Filed in Events on Dec.08, 2013

I was recently asked to do a talk/questions and answer session at Nottingham University for the students on the Biological Photography & Imaging MSc, BSc course, School of Life Sciences. It’s great to be asked back once more after last year’s talk which I really enjoyed. Helping others to “see” wildlife and use the medium of photography to capture what you see in an ethical, respectful was my message.

Taking a break from FB this week so I wanted to leave you with a recent slideshow I did for someone It needs no introduction and will make more sense to those that know me. When you start something you have to finish it and this week chapter six from my book is brought to book as the saying goes, and fingers crossed I can move forward. Contact me through my website if its work related, many thanks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J77vtAB2jr4&feature=c4-overview&list=UURmxZJu_NX-V9xzrptOtYiQ


Please sign and share, thank you.  "It is no exageration to state that the survival of Elephants, Rhinos, Tigers and Orangutans in Aceh depends on decisions being taken here in the next few weeks!" - Dr Ian Singleton states.   The Acehnese Government is pushing to finalise the proposed Spatial Plan in the next coming weeks along with and additional NEW draft governor's regulation, which opens a door for new permits in large critical areas of the Leuser Ecosystem. If approved, this new plan and the new regulation will result in the rapid devastation of most of Aceh’s remaining lowland forests, the last stronghold for the Sumatran orangutan, tiger, rhino and elephant. This also totally undermines the legal status of the world renowned Leuser Ecosystem. What’s more, it will not only seriously impact biodiversity and regional carbon emissions, but also seriously jeopardize the lives and livelihoods of many thousands of Aceh’s 4 million people.  Act Now! This must be stopped.  Sign - www.change.org/LeuserHeritage Fax - ww.endoftheicons.wordpress.com/?p=1710  Donate - www.sumatranorangutan.org

I was joined by other photographers where everyone talked about their own careers, where they started, their futures and what best advice we can give to the next generation of photographers.


Craig Jones Wildlife Photography


It tops off a wonderful year talk wise for me and my wildlife photography, I have had the honor of presenting two talks at different times in the Natural History Museum in London as part of their Genesis program of talks alongside the amazing exhibition of Sebastiao Salgado. I love going through my work and how and where it begin showing the foundation to my wildlife photography today.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

I have a designated page here on the talks I offer and booking details etc. Some of the talks I do are listed if you want to no the many others I do then just send me an email,many thanks.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

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