Archive for 2018

Conservation with a Camera

Filed in Events on Nov.30, 2018

I’ve just returned from Wex Photo Video​ London HQ, I’d been invited there to give my “Conservation with a Camera”talk. From the moment I first picked up a camera I’ve always wanted to show the beauty of nature and also the not so beautiful things we as humans do to nature and are responsible for. By using my own life experiences, skills and my background I show how my camera speaks for those that cannot speak for themselves.

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North West Birdwatching Festival

Filed in Articles, Events on Oct.10, 2018

I’m delighted to announce that I will be one of the speakers at the North West Birdwatching Festival at WWT Martin Mere alongside the BBC’s George McGavin author Leif Bersweden and Miranda Krestovnikoff. This wonderful event takes place over two days and will be held at a place I know very well, WWT Wetland Center, Martin Mere.

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Professional Imagemaker

Filed in Articles on Oct.02, 2018

In October’s issue of Professional Imagermaker I have an article published on light, more so side and back lighting within wildlife photography. I’ve broken down this subject in a way that is very easy to understand. Those that know me no I don’t obsess with the technical side of photography. Instead I use my own flare and passion, then I ask the camera to “write” or capture what I see.  I work with very simple settings, and use them alongside my camera to express and communicate what I’m seeing and watching on the ground at that time.

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Filed in Places Of Interest, Workshops on Sep.01, 2018

There a few places in the UK where you can experience the sights and sounds of nature any better than the North Norfolk coast during the Spring Tides that start in earnest from this month onward and for me herald the onset of the Autumn and Winter months. As the incoming tides submerge the whole area it pushes thousands of waders closer to the shoreline.

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Hen Harrier Day 2018

Filed in Events on Aug.12, 2018

Hen Harrier day 2018 was celebrated all over the country with many events staggered over two weekends marking this special day. Since the first Hen Harrier day back in 2014 this event has gone from strength to strength as the public have become more aware of the cruelty on our moorlands. The destructive nature of driven grouse shooting on the lead up to, during and after is killing so much wildlife and leaving us with a controlled, managed landscape that only benefits the landowners. 

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European Commissioner : Thank You

Filed in Events, In the Press on Jul.24, 2018

Mr Karmenu Vella, the European Commissioner for the Environment recently met members of Luonto-Liiton susiryhmä Humane Society International and Eurogroup for Animals organisations I help and support with my photography. The Commissioner has said he is committed to protecting large carnivores; Wolves, Brown Bears, Wolverine, Lynx in Europe and to keep their protection status in all Member States.

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Golden in Golden

Filed in Articles on Jul.09, 2018

Dawn light can be incredibly, bathing a whole area in a golden colour, transforming an image while adding a beautiful atmosphere with lots of impact. The direction of light will dramatically affect the way shadows fall in a scene within nature or on a subject. Remembering these simple points, then twin them up with a bit of luck in one of your favorites places in the UK, add a relaxed, beautiful subject and the results can be magical.

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