Entries Tagged ‘Animal Behaviour’:

Water vole Appeal

Filed in Conservation on Sep.15, 2024

Water voles are facing a battle for survival, with few remaining in our waterways. PTES need your help to restore the balance and protect the species before its too late.

Craig Jones Wildlife Photography

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Wild Red Deer Rut

Filed in Articles on Jul.06, 2024

The heaths and moors of the Peak District are an eerie exposure of peat covered moorland sitting about 600m above sea level. Large wind carved eroded rocks sit among vast plateaus and rock formations supporting a healthy population of wild Red Deer.

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Displaying Dipper

Filed in Wildlife, Workshops on Dec.11, 2022

A male Dipper displaying in the Peak District National Park. These aquatic songbirds are very territorial and will defend their patch of river at any time of the year from others Dippers looking for their own territory.
Its a beautiful thing to witness as the Dipper outstretches its wings, elongates their body and neck, raising their bill and chirping away in front of the female.

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